【The Political Elite’s View of Equality Research Project】

How have globalization, rising inequality, and governance reforms changed elites’ views on equality and policy preferences, and how have they transformed the influence structure of policy making? This study aims to clarify the following questions by conducting a survey modeled after the 1980 “Elite Views of Equality” survey.

・How did elite and rival elites’ views on equality and policy preferences change?
・What do elites and rival elites think and to what extent do they reflect the interests expressed by citizens in their policies?
・What are the elites and counter-elites in contemporary Japan, and how have their influence structures and policy networks changed?




・2017-21 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Transformation of Equality View and Policy Network of Elite and Counter-Elite in the Global Era” PI : Yoshihiko Takenaka (17H00966)